Beginners’ Course
We run a course for beginner beekeepers every year. The course covers the essential knowledge and skills that all new beekeepers should have before they take delivery of their first colony of bees. The syllabus follows the British Beekeeping Association Introduction to Beekeeping Course and covers the following material:
1) General introduction to beekeeping 2) The colony 3) The hive 4) History of beekeeping 6) Beekeeping year 7) Queens 8) Swarms & swarm control 9) Pests and diseases 10) Plants and hive products 11) Getting started – what happens next?
After the classroom sessions have been completed, there will be two small-group practical sessions at our branch apiary. These sessions are an essential part of the beginners’ course because they provide hands-on experience of working with bees, and essential handling skills.
The dates of the apiary sessions will be confirmed when the 2025 beekeeping season has begun, and the apiary manager has had the opportunity to check the strength of the colonies as they come out of winter. The published dates of the practical apiary sessions may have to change if the weather is unsuitable for opening hives for inspection.
Following attendance at both hands-on club apiary sessions we will assign each beginner a mentor to support them through their first beekeeping season. Please note that we are only able to offer mentoring to course participants whose apiary is in West Wiltshire.
Beginners’ Course 2025 – Dates and Venue
The next Beginners Course begins in February 2025. The classroom based sessions for 2025 will run for 6 weeks every Monday evening from 17th February until Monday 24th March. They start at 19:00 and finish at 21:00.
They will take place in the foyer of the Methodist Church, Station Road, Westbury BA13 3JL.
The apiary sessions that form an essential part of the beginners course take place from 14:00 on Saturday afternoons, usually starting in April.
Cost of the Beginners’ Course
The fee for the 2025 Beginners’ Course is £80. In addition to the course fee, you will need to take out full membership of the WWBKA. WWBKA membership provides access to a wide range of benefits, including insurance for the practical sessions and mentoring that are part of our Beginners Training package. The annual cost of membership in our active and friendly is an additional £40.00. You can apply for membership here.
Attendees are also asked to obtain a copy of the BBKA Guide to Beekeeping, which is required reading and supports the course material.
Book on to the beginners’ course
To find out more, or to book on to the next beginners’ course, please contact our Training Co-ordinator at